Asslamu alikum,
I asked one Question to UAE IFTAA committee regarding the weak Hadees Yaa Ibdallahi Aheeyooni and I'm forwarding their reply without any modification .....
Haris P
Date: 23/12/1433,Corresponding to: 07/11/2012
Iftaa Committee, Fatwa Number: FR-2012-0004427
Hello Haris P.
We received the following inquiry from you:
Asslaamu alikum,
This is regarding a hadees and everybody in My place saying that this hadees is week and we shoudl not be acting upon weak hadees . But there are discussion in my place regarding this hadees whether there is shirk in the text (Matn) of this hadees or not
The hadees text is as given below
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كتاب المعجم الكبير
حدثنا الحسين بن اسحاق التستري ثنا أحمد بن يحيى الصوفي ثنا عبد الرحمن بن سهل حدثني أبي عن عبد الله بن عيسى عن زيد بن علي عن عتبة بن غزوان
ن نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : ( اذا أضل أحدكم شيئا أو أراد أحدكم عونا و هو بأرض ليس بها أنيس فليقل يا عباد الله أغيثوني يا عباد الله أغيثوني فان لله عبادا لا نراهم ) و قد جرب ذلك
Translation: ”When one of you loses something or desires assistance while in a land where no person of assistance (is available) he should say ‘O slaves of Allah! Assist me; help me,’ for indeed Allah has many slaves who we do not see
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Now my Question is whether is there is any Shirk in the Matn(text) of this Hadees ?
The text "indeed Allah has many slaves who we do not see" which means slaves of Allah like angels , pious Jinn .Whether it is shirk to ask something to muslim jinn (or jinn )which is alive and is present or it is just a way to shirk (waseelathu shirk) or it is halal ?
This is regarding a hadees and everybody in My place saying that this hadees is week and we shoudl not be acting upon weak hadees . But there are discussion in my place regarding this hadees whether there is shirk in the text (Matn) of this hadees or not
The hadees text is as given below
كتاب المعجم الكبير
حدثنا الحسين بن اسحاق التستري ثنا أحمد بن يحيى الصوفي ثنا عبد الرحمن بن سهل حدثني أبي عن عبد الله بن عيسى عن زيد بن علي عن عتبة بن غزوان
ن نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : ( اذا أضل أحدكم شيئا أو أراد أحدكم عونا و هو بأرض ليس بها أنيس فليقل يا عباد الله أغيثوني يا عباد الله أغيثوني فان لله عبادا لا نراهم ) و قد جرب ذلك
Translation: ”When one of you loses something or desires assistance while in a land where no person of assistance (is available) he should say ‘O slaves of Allah! Assist me; help me,’ for indeed Allah has many slaves who we do not see
Now my Question is whether is there is any Shirk in the Matn(text) of this Hadees ?
The text "indeed Allah has many slaves who we do not see" which means slaves of Allah like angels , pious Jinn .Whether it is shirk to ask something to muslim jinn (or jinn )which is alive and is present or it is just a way to shirk (waseelathu shirk) or it is halal ?
The answer, and with Allah is the guidance for success:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
Assalamou aalaikom wa rahmatou Allah wa barakatouHou
Dear brother/sister,
Thank you for contacting us, and your trust in us, and thank you for your question and seeking knowledge.
About The Hadeeth of Calling Out For Help in the Desert:
Dear brother/sister,
This is a weak narration.
It is reported that the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam - peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If one of you lost something, or one of you wanted help, …, let him say: ‘O, servants of Allah! Help me!’ for there are servants of Allah we can not see” [reported by At-Tabarani].
But the chain of this narration is weak.
This narration has a little support in another weak narration that the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam - peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If the ride of one you escaped in wilderness, let him call: ‘O, servants of Allah!, catch it for me!, O, servants of Allah!, catch it for me!’ for Allah has in land present [creatures] that will catch it for you” [reported by At-Tabarani and Abu Yaala]. And there are similar narrations reported by Ibn Abi Shaybah in Al-Mosannaf, Al-Bayhaqi in Shoab Al-Iman, and Al-Bazzar in Musnad.
But this does not help much, as the Hadeeth is still considered weak by many scholars.
Some mention that that Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal practiced this in one of his Hajj journeys.
Based on this, one may call out for help from present angels or righteous jinn, and by the well of Allah The Almighty, they may help him.
This is not considered a form of Shirk [polytheism], as he is calling present creatures, just like when we call other present people for help.
Allah The Almighty says: {and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He} [Al-Muddathir(74):31].
Scholars differ regarding the following of a weak narrations, and what type of weakness, and in which matters.
If you need more details about that, you may submit a request for it.
Regards. May Allah guide us all to what He loves and accepts.
And Allah knows best. And Allah knows best.
Assalamou aalaikom wa rahmatou Allah wa barakatouHou
Dear brother/sister,
Thank you for contacting us, and your trust in us, and thank you for your question and seeking knowledge.
About The Hadeeth of Calling Out For Help in the Desert:
Dear brother/sister,
This is a weak narration.
It is reported that the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam - peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If one of you lost something, or one of you wanted help, …, let him say: ‘O, servants of Allah! Help me!’ for there are servants of Allah we can not see” [reported by At-Tabarani].
But the chain of this narration is weak.
This narration has a little support in another weak narration that the Prophet (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam - peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If the ride of one you escaped in wilderness, let him call: ‘O, servants of Allah!, catch it for me!, O, servants of Allah!, catch it for me!’ for Allah has in land present [creatures] that will catch it for you” [reported by At-Tabarani and Abu Yaala]. And there are similar narrations reported by Ibn Abi Shaybah in Al-Mosannaf, Al-Bayhaqi in Shoab Al-Iman, and Al-Bazzar in Musnad.
But this does not help much, as the Hadeeth is still considered weak by many scholars.
Some mention that that Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal practiced this in one of his Hajj journeys.
Based on this, one may call out for help from present angels or righteous jinn, and by the well of Allah The Almighty, they may help him.
This is not considered a form of Shirk [polytheism], as he is calling present creatures, just like when we call other present people for help.
Allah The Almighty says: {and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He} [Al-Muddathir(74):31].
Scholars differ regarding the following of a weak narrations, and what type of weakness, and in which matters.
If you need more details about that, you may submit a request for it.
Regards. May Allah guide us all to what He loves and accepts.
And Allah knows best. And Allah knows best.
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